all postcodes in SR6 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR6 8ET 0 54.932927 -1.373655
SR6 8EU 0 54.93285 -1.374392
SR6 8EW 0 54.932871 -1.380228
SR6 8EX 0 54.932702 -1.375252
SR6 8EY 0 54.93201 -1.375216
SR6 8EZ 0 54.932439 -1.376521
SR6 8HA 0 54.93227 -1.376913
SR6 8HB 0 54.931636 -1.377719
SR6 8HD 0 54.93207 -1.378227
SR6 8HE 0 54.932419 -1.379627
SR6 8HF 0 54.931696 -1.378951
SR6 8HG 0 54.931563 -1.379203
SR6 8HH 0 54.9313 -1.380549
SR6 8HJ 0 54.933137 -1.376042
SR6 8HQ 0 54.93153 -1.379906
SR6 8HS 1 54.93126 -1.376274
SR6 8HT 0 54.931058 -1.377088
SR6 8HU 0 54.930898 -1.377387
SR6 8HX 0 54.931474 -1.377612
SR6 8HY 0 54.930661 -1.378592