all postcodes in SS1 / ROCHFORD

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS1 1HY 2 0 51.537257 0.706648
SS1 1HZ 11 6 51.536213 0.713464
SS1 1JE 17 11 51.534837 0.713873
SS1 1JF 8 6 51.536678 0.713968
SS1 1JG 4 3 51.53574 0.714114
SS1 1JN 14 9 51.537457 0.713755
SS1 1JS 1 1 51.536234 0.714143
SS1 1JT 11 5 51.538539 0.713603
SS1 1JU 4 0 51.537563 0.709175
SS1 1JX 17 15 51.539502 0.712795
SS1 1LB 1 1 51.538081 0.71359
SS1 1LH 20 8 51.537999 0.712878
SS1 1LL 45 13 51.539092 0.712078
SS1 1LN 1 1 51.539919 0.711911
SS1 1LQ 7 3 51.537627 0.713174
SS1 1LT 50 23 51.539247 0.710227
SS1 1LU 11 4 51.539642 0.710654
SS1 1LY 28 0 51.538458 0.709329
SS1 1LZ 26 0 51.538681 0.709804
SS1 1NA 1 1 51.538101 0.709986