all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 5BN 0 53.103302 -2.007009
ST13 5BP 0 53.102331 -2.007099
ST13 5BQ 1 53.102789 -2.009712
ST13 5BS 0 53.10261 -2.006053
ST13 5BT 0 53.101765 -2.008144
ST13 5BU 0 53.100084 -2.007322
ST13 5BW 0 53.10332 -2.006068
ST13 5BX 1 53.101189 -2.010414
ST13 5BY 0 53.100829 -2.010519
ST13 5BZ 0 53.102465 -2.012443
ST13 5DB 0 53.104039 -2.006755
ST13 5DD 0 53.104147 -2.006442
ST13 5DE 0 53.102823 -2.023752
ST13 5DJ 1 53.105519 -2.0271
ST13 5DL 9 53.104656 -2.026382
ST13 5DN 14 53.104935 -2.026066
ST13 5DQ 1 53.105519 -2.0271
ST13 5DR 3 53.10613 -2.026682
ST13 5DS 9 53.105996 -2.02698
ST13 5DU 2 53.105321 -2.027829