all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 5HB 1 53.107263 -2.02843
ST13 5HD 0 53.106364 -2.026114
ST13 5HE 3 53.106741 -2.027489
ST13 5HF 0 53.106903 -2.027534
ST13 5HG 15 53.105627 -2.026054
ST13 5HJ 10 53.106238 -2.025726
ST13 5HN 5 53.105942 -2.026293
ST13 5HP 5 53.104116 -2.029172
ST13 5HQ 1 53.105816 -2.02595
ST13 5HS 0 53.104494 -2.027589
ST13 5HT 0 53.103954 -2.029757
ST13 5HW 8 53.106104 -2.026189
ST13 5HY 1 53.105519 -2.0271
ST13 5HZ 1 53.105519 -2.0271
ST13 5JE 5 53.104324 -2.024512
ST13 5JF 16 53.104944 -2.024231
ST13 5JH 9 53.105206 -2.021931
ST13 5JN 1 53.105358 -2.021707
ST13 5JP 2 53.104055 -2.022244
ST13 5JS 0 53.104486 -2.021167