all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 7BG 0 53.053272 -2.033419
ST13 7BH 0 53.054939 -2.049191
ST13 7BL 0 53.056566 -2.049493
ST13 7BP 1 53.053806 -2.048876
ST13 7BQ 0 53.057323 -2.046391
ST13 7BS 0 53.052711 -2.048415
ST13 7BT 1 53.052811 -2.044506
ST13 7BU 1 53.051849 -2.043968
ST13 7BW 0 53.051514 -2.050517
ST13 7BX 0 53.052225 -2.048548
ST13 7BY 0 53.05192 -2.048205
ST13 7BZ 0 53.051596 -2.047712
ST13 7DA 0 53.049358 -2.047948
ST13 7DB 0 53.051434 -2.049756
ST13 7DD 0 53.052746 -2.049608
ST13 7DF 0 53.056824 -2.057013
ST13 7DG 0 53.059756 -2.052645
ST13 7DH 0 53.05004 -2.050023
ST13 7DJ 0 53.049879 -2.049381
ST13 7DN 0 53.077856 -2.039636