all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 7DP 0 53.084999 -2.018756
ST13 7DQ 1 53.060872 -2.047645
ST13 7DR 9 53.081924 -2.023487
ST13 7DS 0 53.078921 -2.026739
ST13 7DT 0 53.082652 -2.020994
ST13 7DU 0 53.076766 -2.004228
ST13 7DW 0 53.077451 -2.042203
ST13 7DX 0 53.076305 -2.02526
ST13 7DY 0 53.076242 -2.028081
ST13 7DZ 0 53.077706 -2.031351
ST13 7EA 0 53.080606 -2.040666
ST13 7ED 1 53.074197 -2.041439
ST13 7EE 14 53.070721 -2.033824
ST13 7HN 7 53.066763 -2.042013
ST13 7EF 5 53.06939 -2.034208
ST13 7EG 0 53.066245 -2.029597
ST13 7EH 0 53.066344 -2.032298
ST13 7EJ 0 53.065076 -2.03355
ST13 7EL 0 53.066253 -2.033238
ST13 7EN 0 53.066344 -2.031582