all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 7JP 0 53.063876 -2.045592
ST13 7JQ 0 53.06322 -2.044756
ST13 7JR 0 53.06473 -2.045503
ST13 7JS 1 53.074911 -2.053124
ST13 7JT 10 1 53.078868 -2.068328
ST13 7JU 4 0 53.075441 -2.071472
ST13 7JW 6 0 53.063517 -2.045218
ST13 7JX 5 0 53.07134 -2.074808
ST13 7JY 3 0 53.068432 -2.068013
ST13 7JZ 4 0 53.062866 -2.070063
ST13 7LA 4 0 53.064712 -2.079437
ST13 7LB 2 0 53.058766 -2.071815
ST13 7LD 1 0 53.062071 -2.062571
ST13 7LE 4 0 53.065724 -2.0551
ST13 7LF 3 0 53.068038 -2.044761
ST13 7LG 7 0 53.062592 -2.042427
ST13 7LL 17 0 53.067008 -2.034776
ST13 7LN 2 1 53.112192 -2.004827
ST13 7LP 19 3 53.123876 -1.978546
ST13 7LQ 23 0 53.089502 -2.050905