all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 7HP 3 53.068505 -2.044982
ST13 7HQ 0 53.073865 -2.039289
ST13 7HR 0 53.067697 -2.044148
ST13 7HS 2 53.065404 -2.046504
ST13 7HT 0 53.065476 -2.045056
ST13 7HU 0 53.064148 -2.040742
ST13 7HW 1 53.065783 -2.043147
ST13 7HX 0 53.064903 -2.040131
ST13 7HY 0 53.064813 -2.038997
ST13 7HZ 0 53.065649 -2.040177
ST13 7JA 0 53.06555 -2.041639
ST13 7JB 2 53.063743 -2.040623
ST13 7JD 0 53.063455 -2.041935
ST13 7JE 0 53.062709 -2.04098
ST13 7JF 0 53.063015 -2.041428
ST13 7JG 0 53.063508 -2.044055
ST13 7JH 0 53.061179 -2.045902
ST13 7JJ 0 53.060955 -2.044768
ST13 7JL 0 53.062681 -2.04577
ST13 7JN 0 53.062195 -2.046247