all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 8DL 14 2 53.105174 -2.03815
ST13 8DN 1 1 53.103519 -2.042005
ST13 8DP 43 1 53.105759 -2.036689
ST13 8DQ 35 0 53.106477 -2.039901
ST13 8DR 8 0 53.106074 -2.035689
ST13 8DS 16 0 53.106362 -2.035868
ST13 8DT 5 0 53.10655 -2.036287
ST13 8DU 47 0 53.106362 -2.034135
ST13 8DW 69 0 53.106154 -2.037601
ST13 8DX 40 0 53.106182 -2.034359
ST13 8DY 20 1 53.106857 -2.032762
ST13 8DZ 7 0 53.106641 -2.032358
ST13 8EA 24 0 53.107073 -2.033509
ST13 8EB 26 0 53.106686 -2.03321
ST13 8ED 20 0 53.106695 -2.033971
ST13 8EE 37 0 53.107179 -2.03684
ST13 8EF 43 0 53.106954 -2.037601
ST13 8EG 29 0 53.107817 -2.037303
ST13 8EH 27 0 53.107755 -2.034391
ST13 8EJ 5 0 53.108241 -2.034003