all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 8EL 34 0 53.107342 -2.033613
ST13 8EN 12 0 53.106972 -2.039543
ST13 8EP 20 2 53.108205 -2.032775
ST13 8EQ 35 0 53.107386 -2.036616
ST13 8ER 33 1 53.108771 -2.034376
ST13 8ES 22 0 53.107079 -2.041814
ST13 8ET 20 2 53.10932 -2.033316
ST13 8EU 21 2 53.108744 -2.033164
ST13 8EW 7 0 53.107846 -2.033464
ST13 8EX 19 0 53.109797 -2.032196
ST13 8EY 13 0 53.109743 -2.030882
ST13 8EZ 62 0 53.109501 -2.02879
ST13 8FA 1 1 53.109607 -2.035064
ST13 8HA 21 0 53.108727 -2.03227
ST13 8HB 4 0 53.109024 -2.031748
ST13 8HD 15 0 53.108341 -2.031508
ST13 8HH 18 0 53.097264 -2.037264
ST13 8HJ 4 0 53.096842 -2.037249
ST13 8HL 32 0 53.098091 -2.037549
ST13 8HN 8 0 53.100005 -2.039552