all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 8JQ 27 0 53.098018 -2.04185
ST13 8JR 9 0 53.100454 -2.041061
ST13 8JS 14 0 53.111074 -2.026446
ST13 8JT 27 0 53.110076 -2.030389
ST13 8JU 53 0 53.110363 -2.031343
ST13 8JW 10 0 53.100202 -2.041673
ST13 8JX 9 0 53.110866 -2.033527
ST13 8JY 2 1 53.109841 -2.034151
ST13 8JZ 1 1 53.109724 -2.035751
ST13 8LD 24 9 53.110594 -2.039382
ST13 8LE 20 0 53.109543 -2.037843
ST13 8LF 10 0 53.109642 -2.038859
ST13 8LG 8 0 53.112527 -2.040863
ST13 8LJ 3 0 53.109056 -2.042144
ST13 8LL 48 0 53.105721 -2.043665
ST13 8LN 23 0 53.105802 -2.044217
ST13 8LP 13 0 53.107285 -2.044712
ST13 8LQ 22 0 53.108896 -2.038514
ST13 8LR 29 0 53.106349 -2.046085
ST13 8LS 10 0 53.106592 -2.044801