all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 8HP 8 0 53.100544 -2.040419
ST13 8HR 9 0 53.100356 -2.040045
ST13 8HS 10 0 53.100867 -2.043361
ST13 8HT 8 0 53.101406 -2.04381
ST13 8HU 47 0 53.100533 -2.046034
ST13 8HW 14 0 53.099753 -2.040687
ST13 8HX 27 0 53.09872 -2.039476
ST13 8HY 36 0 53.09801 -2.038131
ST13 8HZ 30 0 53.098127 -2.038938
ST13 8JA 31 0 53.098504 -2.041178
ST13 8JB 15 0 53.096392 -2.039713
ST13 8JD 30 1 53.097767 -2.039789
ST13 8JE 6 0 53.097417 -2.038997
ST13 8JF 19 3 53.099529 -2.03988
ST13 8JG 16 1 53.101262 -2.044706
ST13 8JH 25 0 53.101675 -2.045453
ST13 8JJ 8 0 53.103337 -2.047247
ST13 8JL 40 0 53.102709 -2.04526
ST13 8JN 41 0 53.100805 -2.041853
ST13 8JP 5 0 53.101587 -2.04033