all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 8NU 12 0 53.100236 -2.047647
ST13 8NW 28 0 53.101646 -2.049665
ST13 8NX 23 0 53.099787 -2.046183
ST13 8NY 33 0 53.099258 -2.04212
ST13 8NZ 26 0 53.099312 -2.043135
ST13 8PB 1 0 53.102077 -2.051099
ST13 8PD 8 0 53.10117 -2.050037
ST13 8PE 3 0 53.120163 -2.051419
ST13 8PF 9 1 53.120392 -2.061132
ST13 8PG 10 1 53.117177 -2.071556
ST13 8PH 13 1 53.114065 -2.088254
ST13 8PJ 5 0 53.116767 -2.092338
ST13 8PL 1 0 53.133329 -2.098083
ST13 8PN 16 0 53.12428 -2.068848
ST13 8PP 5 0 53.134092 -2.075739
ST13 8PQ 1 0 53.111324 -2.086709
ST13 8PR 6 0 53.145434 -2.064681
ST13 8PS 10 1 53.127207 -2.059318
ST13 8PT 3 0 53.132668 -2.049327
ST13 8PU 3 0 53.116333 -2.095893