all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 8PW 3 0 53.133513 -2.067144
ST13 8PX 3 0 53.115739 -2.107291
ST13 8PY 4 1 53.116329 -2.111312
ST13 8PZ 5 0 53.110721 -2.099749
ST13 8QA 3 0 53.110826 -2.112373
ST13 8QB 4 0 53.111808 -2.119696
ST13 8QD 2 0 53.114151 -2.122121
ST13 8QE 2 0 53.118334 -2.118891
ST13 8QF 3 0 53.110537 -2.123232
ST13 8QG 4 1 53.1094 -2.127277
ST13 8QH 4 0 53.106912 -2.125956
ST13 8QJ 2 0 53.106715 -2.115573
ST13 8QL 1 0 53.103467 -2.135325
ST13 8QN 8 1 53.099895 -2.138421
ST13 8QP 3 0 53.109531 -2.13878
ST13 8QQ 6 0 53.102787 -2.124241
ST13 8QR 7 0 53.111121 -2.131973
ST13 8QS 3 0 53.113316 -2.130486
ST13 8QT 1 0 53.118002 -2.128184
ST13 8QU 1 0 53.129323 -2.124063