all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 8SX 4 0 53.162562 -2.032475
ST13 8SY 4 0 53.154745 -2.013313
ST13 8SZ 2 0 53.160066 -2.014284
ST13 8TA 5 0 53.166898 -2.01239
ST13 8TD 11 0 53.136003 -1.985191
ST13 8TE 27 0 53.108348 -2.036452
ST13 8TF 16 0 53.108186 -2.037573
ST13 8TG 2 0 53.113378 -2.00284
ST13 8TH 2 0 53.123563 -1.996012
ST13 8TJ 4 0 53.127554 -2.00516
ST13 8TL 4 1 53.128822 -1.994206
ST13 8TP 7 1 53.133459 -1.987449
ST13 8TQ 1 1 53.123149 -2.010061
ST13 8TR 5 0 53.138017 -1.995281
ST13 8TS 57 0 53.136003 -1.986776
ST13 8TT 10 0 53.139886 -1.985325
ST13 8TU 7 0 53.142178 -1.982902
ST13 8TW 8 3 53.134592 -1.989183
ST13 8TX 2 1 53.143128 -1.969429
ST13 8TY 21 2 53.145486 -1.984901