all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 8RW 12 0 53.122441 -2.077228
ST13 8RX 7 0 53.121752 -2.086491
ST13 8RZ 2 0 53.10404 -2.042959
ST13 8SA 27 4 53.115622 -2.030916
ST13 8SB 2 0 53.117822 -2.038386
ST13 8SD 5 0 53.118762 -2.048743
ST13 8SE 1 0 53.117475 -2.052776
ST13 8SF 5 0 53.116758 -2.047919
ST13 8SG 11 1 53.115304 -2.041897
ST13 8SH 12 0 53.13291 -2.019614
ST13 8SJ 4 0 53.144147 -2.016868
ST13 8SL 8 0 53.144036 -2.029591
ST13 8SN 9 1 53.143697 -2.015657
ST13 8SP 2 0 53.146871 -1.999658
ST13 8SQ 5 1 53.125787 -2.036363
ST13 8SR 5 0 53.147238 -2.019082
ST13 8SS 3 0 53.151227 -2.030702
ST13 8ST 2 0 53.155588 -2.025992
ST13 8SU 4 0 53.156953 -2.029779
ST13 8SW 3 1 53.140948 -2.002516