all postcodes in ST16 / STAFFORD

find any address or company within the ST16 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST16 2JA 10 52.805889 -2.117042
ST16 2JB 1 52.805566 -2.116848
ST16 2JE 7 52.806608 -2.117563
ST16 2JH 3 52.807561 -2.117299
ST16 2JL 1 52.807507 -2.116913
ST16 2JN 1 52.80695 -2.116956
ST16 2JP 1 52.806932 -2.117149
ST16 2JR 1 52.807903 -2.117122
ST16 2JU 10 52.807775 -2.11651
ST16 2JZ 5 52.807569 -2.116346
ST16 2LA 2 52.806904 -2.116136
ST16 2LB 1 52.80667 -2.116017
ST16 2LD 2 52.80722 -2.116586
ST16 2LF 1 52.806564 -2.11648
ST16 2LG 0 52.806588 -2.11667
ST16 2LH 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 2LJ 1 52.807185 -2.115711
ST16 2LL 1 52.805971 -2.116108
ST16 2LN 0 52.806053 -2.114714
ST16 2LQ 1 52.806924 -2.115769