all postcodes in ST16 / STAFFORD

find any address or company within the ST16 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST16 2RS 6 52.81729 -2.123483
ST16 2RW 0 52.816096 -2.122367
ST16 2RY 0 52.813561 -2.121855
ST16 2SA 5 52.813477 -2.1224
ST16 2SD 18 52.812841 -2.123144
ST16 2SE 1 52.814582 -2.123205
ST16 2SJ 0 52.815067 -2.124141
ST16 2SL 2 52.81551 -2.124175
ST16 2SR 1 52.806455 -2.1174
ST16 2ST 10 52.812881 -2.125722
ST16 2TA 0 52.818081 -2.123678
ST16 2TB 2 52.804864 -2.126014
ST16 2TF 1 52.808662 -2.12153
ST16 2TP 0 52.807864 -2.128292
ST16 2TR 0 52.809904 -2.128981
ST16 2TS 0 52.809238 -2.130062
ST16 2TU 0 52.80869 -2.128918
ST16 2TW 0 52.809679 -2.129484
ST16 2TX 0 52.807195 -2.114598
ST16 2WE 1 52.80306 -2.123012