all postcodes in ST16 / STAFFORD

find any address or company within the ST16 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST16 2LT 1 52.807185 -2.115711
ST16 2LU 1 52.805629 -2.116389
ST16 2LY 7 52.80611 -2.111866
ST16 2LZ 23 52.806646 -2.113258
ST16 2ND 0 52.806791 -2.113796
ST16 2NF 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 2NG 3 52.806637 -2.114967
ST16 2NQ 11 52.80741 -2.115281
ST16 2NR 6 52.807767 -2.117566
ST16 2NT 8 52.808486 -2.117984
ST16 2NY 2 52.809346 -2.121413
ST16 2NZ 1 52.809823 -2.120317
ST16 2PD 1 52.812195 -2.12194
ST16 2PG 1 52.812237 -2.122338
ST16 2PJ 13 52.812367 -2.120961
ST16 2PL 6 52.812188 -2.119715
ST16 2PN 6 52.812599 -2.119623
ST16 2PR 5 52.811639 -2.120752
ST16 2PS 2 52.811613 -2.119773
ST16 2PT 5 52.811342 -2.120573