all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 1HN 2 53.012857 -2.219789
ST5 1HR 1 53.012794 -2.2197
ST5 1HT 0 53.006864 -2.218553
ST5 1HU 1 53.014375 -2.219976
ST5 1HX 9 53.013991 -2.219155
ST5 1HY 0 53.014556 -2.220022
ST5 1HZ 0 53.01422 -2.216816
ST5 1JA 1 53.016573 -2.254153
ST5 1JB 8 53.014479 -2.217487
ST5 1JD 1 53.013803 -2.218424
ST5 1JE 0 53.014567 -2.218218
ST5 1JF 1 53.014088 -2.219856
ST5 1JH 0 53.015449 -2.218089
ST5 1JJ 1 53.01494 -2.215985
ST5 1JL 0 53.014483 -2.215446
ST5 1JN 0 53.013943 -2.215652
ST5 1JP 2 53.013448 -2.216395
ST5 1JQ 0 53.015033 -2.219189
ST5 1JR 3 53.013592 -2.215948
ST5 1JT 3 53.012326 -2.215405