all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 1NZ 1 53.007162 -2.221996
ST5 1PB 7 53.011974 -2.225688
ST5 1PE 6 53.011369 -2.227085
ST5 1PG 6 53.011206 -2.227472
ST5 1PN 13 53.01084 -2.226531
ST5 1PR 5 53.011185 -2.229066
ST5 1PS 18 53.009817 -2.225184
ST5 1PT 18 53.009573 -2.225824
ST5 1PZ 1 53.009771 -2.226019
ST5 1QE 1 53.010837 -2.227768
ST5 1QG 2 53.010128 -2.227616
ST5 1QJ 1 53.013885 -2.217991
ST5 1QL 11 53.011214 -2.228441
ST5 1QN 1 53.010649 -2.227589
ST5 1QQ 5 53.010443 -2.22708
ST5 1QS 3 53.011329 -2.229291
ST5 1QY 1 53.011151 -2.228366
ST5 1QZ 8 53.011547 -2.228264
ST5 1RA 4 53.011887 -2.229101
ST5 1RB 4 53.012165 -2.228967