all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 1LY 1 53.006307 -2.222513
ST5 1LZ 6 53.005789 -2.221349
ST5 1NA 0 53.004087 -2.217837
ST5 1NB 1 53.00614 -2.220948
ST5 1ND 1 53.005369 -2.219871
ST5 1NE 0 53.005407 -2.218769
ST5 1NF 0 53.005738 -2.219769
ST5 1NG 0 53.006817 -2.21967
ST5 1NH 0 53.006914 -2.220401
ST5 1NJ 0 53.006422 -2.219385
ST5 1NL 0 53.007175 -2.220298
ST5 1NN 0 53.007806 -2.219124
ST5 1NP 0 53.006685 -2.217941
ST5 1NQ 0 53.00723 -2.219612
ST5 1NR 0 53.005813 -2.217787
ST5 1NS 0 53.007688 -2.219868
ST5 1NT 0 53.007021 -2.221012
ST5 1NU 0 53.007327 -2.220805
ST5 1NW 0 53.006875 -2.217465
ST5 1NX 0 53.007614 -2.220851