all postcodes in SW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW2 1BD 58 0 51.458609 -0.112333
SW2 1BE 19 0 51.457341 -0.111219
SW2 1BG 30 0 51.457979 -0.110631
SW2 1BH 12 0 51.458251 -0.11075
SW2 1BJ 10 0 51.457785 -0.111935
SW2 1BN 21 0 51.458615 -0.111022
SW2 1BP 15 0 51.459275 -0.111801
SW2 1BQ 2 0 51.457567 -0.111788
SW2 1BS 11 0 51.458964 -0.111483
SW2 1BT 16 0 51.455586 -0.114487
SW2 1BW 8 0 51.458828 -0.111374
SW2 1BX 21 0 51.459955 -0.11494
SW2 1BY 33 0 51.459495 -0.114858
SW2 1BZ 108 36 51.458432 -0.114182
SW2 1DA 15 0 51.455638 -0.113204
SW2 1DD 35 0 51.457551 -0.113643
SW2 1DE 25 0 51.456057 -0.113561
SW2 1DF 6 1 51.455669 -0.113461
SW2 1DG 20 0 51.456169 -0.112678
SW2 1DH 37 0 51.456652 -0.1125