all postcodes in SW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW5 0ER 1 51.492181 -0.19006
SW5 0ES 0 51.491852 -0.190304
SW5 0ET 0 51.491583 -0.190948
SW5 0EU 0 51.491376 -0.190942
SW5 0EW 1 51.492064 -0.191794
SW5 0EX 0 51.49147 -0.19176
SW5 0FQ 1 51.484744 -0.183629
SW5 0HA 0 51.484744 -0.183629
SW5 0HE 0 51.491283 -0.190663
SW5 0HF 0 51.491422 -0.189817
SW5 0HG 0 51.491659 -0.189476
SW5 0HH 0 51.491807 -0.18973
SW5 0HJ 0 51.492123 -0.189198
SW5 0HL 1 51.492178 -0.188692
SW5 0HN 2 51.492358 -0.188094
SW5 0HQ 0 51.491753 -0.189098
SW5 0HS 0 51.491642 -0.188324
SW5 0HW 3 51.491617 -0.187331
SW5 0JE 0 51.490656 -0.190294
SW5 0JG 0 51.49001 -0.189786