all postcodes in SW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW5 0JJ 0 51.490599 -0.189489
SW5 0JN 0 51.491802 -0.185927
SW5 0JP 0 51.492359 -0.184133
SW5 0JQ 0 51.490804 -0.188847
SW5 0JR 0 51.492116 -0.183509
SW5 0JW 0 51.49211 -0.184863
SW5 0LA 3 51.491645 -0.183282
SW5 0LD 0 51.491245 -0.18363
SW5 0LE 0 51.491252 -0.182784
SW5 0LF 0 51.490597 -0.182431
SW5 0LJ 7 51.490642 -0.183596
SW5 0LQ 0 51.490481 -0.18536
SW5 0LS 0 51.492652 -0.187348
SW5 0LT 0 51.494247 -0.188178
SW5 0LX 3 51.493625 -0.188044
SW5 0LZ 0 51.494037 -0.187956
SW5 0NA 0 51.494076 -0.18758
SW5 0NB 0 51.494277 -0.187773
SW5 0ND 0 51.494108 -0.18729
SW5 0NE 0 51.494272 -0.186784