all postcodes in SW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW5 0PY 0 51.493902 -0.189142
SW5 0PZ 1 51.49363 -0.189585
SW5 0QD 0 51.494474 -0.188889
SW5 0QE 0 51.494425 -0.189179
SW5 0QF 1 51.493915 -0.189949
SW5 0QH 2 51.493261 -0.192467
SW5 0QJ 1 51.493588 -0.192094
SW5 0QQ 1 51.493845 -0.191824
SW5 0QT 21 51.492892 -0.192985
SW5 0QY 2 51.493183 -0.192561
SW5 0RA 8 51.493752 -0.19215
SW5 0RD 5 51.494078 -0.191772
SW5 0RE 0 51.493866 -0.192601
SW5 0RF 0 51.493792 -0.193079
SW5 0RG 1 51.494061 -0.192982
SW5 0RH 0 51.494241 -0.193609
SW5 0RJ 0 51.494201 -0.193899
SW5 0RL 0 51.4937 -0.193501
SW5 0RN 0 51.494054 -0.194322
SW5 0RP 8 51.493123 -0.193423