all postcodes in SY12 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY12 9BN 6 0 52.856683 -2.900459
SY12 9BP 9 0 52.843932 -2.899839
SY12 9BQ 10 0 52.85724 -2.901718
SY12 9BS 14 0 52.839074 -2.885858
SY12 9BT 4 0 52.837868 -2.887273
SY12 9BU 2 0 52.834432 -2.887022
SY12 9BW 4 0 52.848935 -2.895577
SY12 9BX 5 0 52.828742 -2.883837
SY12 9BY 9 1 52.843428 -2.874544
SY12 9BZ 10 0 52.841499 -2.887377
SY12 9DA 5 0 52.889174 -2.90846
SY12 9DD 1 1 52.902467 -2.889812
SY12 9DE 8 1 52.914398 -2.899083
SY12 9DF 1 1 52.911091 -2.897721
SY12 9DG 1 1 52.910354 -2.896487
SY12 9DH 6 0 52.917202 -2.902353
SY12 9DJ 24 0 52.919062 -2.902869
SY12 9DL 9 0 52.918485 -2.90302
SY12 9DN 2 0 52.922298 -2.903723
SY12 9DP 3 0 52.920661 -2.906576