all postcodes in SY12 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY12 0QJ 9 0 52.89398 -2.827713
SY12 0QL 12 0 52.889751 -2.844933
SY12 0QN 7 0 52.887313 -2.843904
SY12 0QP 1 0 52.873408 -2.837201
SY12 0QQ 9 0 52.89425 -2.826454
SY12 0QR 4 0 52.895733 -2.851902
SY12 0QS 3 0 52.908011 -2.843385
SY12 0QT 4 0 52.908532 -2.842131
SY12 0QW 8 0 52.888062 -2.843547
SY12 0RA 6 0 52.905063 -2.888913
SY12 0RD 9 0 52.907807 -2.890962
SY12 0WE 1 0 52.84395 -3.040564
SY12 0YS 1 0 52.84395 -3.040564
SY12 0QZ 8 0 52.909611 -2.891341
SY12 0FB 0 52.909396 -2.896036
SY12 0FD 0 52.90973 -2.897054
SY12 0QU 0 52.858826 -2.842401
SY12 0FE 1 52.903737 -2.89623
SY12 0FG 6 0 52.906877 -2.893887
SY12 0FH 0 52.903724 -2.898014