all postcodes in SY12 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY12 9AL 5 0 52.871516 -2.901628
SY12 9AN 1 0 52.8882 -2.903
SY12 9AP 24 0 52.888707 -2.906072
SY12 9AQ 3 0 52.86306 -2.873631
SY12 9AR 9 0 52.888788 -2.907129
SY12 9AS 16 0 52.888229 -2.908604
SY12 9AT 10 0 52.887255 -2.907363
SY12 9AU 2 0 52.88743 -2.906891
SY12 9AW 17 0 52.888152 -2.904515
SY12 9AX 9 0 52.887022 -2.90895
SY12 9AY 1 0 52.88744 -2.92119
SY12 9AZ 12 0 52.886579 -2.910024
SY12 9BA 5 0 52.881436 -2.913975
SY12 9BB 9 0 52.871425 -2.921742
SY12 9BD 7 0 52.868769 -2.915283
SY12 9BE 19 1 52.895215 -2.891893
SY12 9BG 3 0 52.863463 -2.908561
SY12 9BH 7 1 52.856906 -2.900731
SY12 9BJ 2 0 52.855368 -2.900341
SY12 9BL 4 1 52.854043 -2.897776