all postcodes in SY15 / MONTGOMERY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY15 6QZ 0 52.562513 -3.147984
SY15 6RA 4 52.560925 -3.148607
SY15 6RB 0 52.561376 -3.143824
SY15 6RD 0 52.560795 -3.143484
SY15 6RE 0 52.560853 -3.142099
SY15 6RJ 0 52.561656 -3.143669
SY15 6RL 0 52.564139 -3.146286
SY15 6RP 0 52.587367 -3.182288
SY15 6RR 0 52.585681 -3.196206
SY15 6RS 3 52.582844 -3.191318
SY15 6RT 1 52.577008 -3.187839
SY15 6RU 0 52.575544 -3.192758
SY15 6RW 0 52.586925 -3.190469
SY15 6RX 0 52.575696 -3.190489
SY15 6RY 0 52.568872 -3.208305
SY15 6RZ 1 52.5683 -3.214929
SY15 6SA 0 52.572117 -3.211862
SY15 6SB 0 52.573542 -3.206102
SY15 6SD 0 52.576428 -3.207834
SY15 6SE 0 52.577697 -3.202453