all postcodes in SY15 / MONTGOMERY

find any address or company within the SY15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY15 6PZ 1 52.560988 -3.147679
SY15 6QA 1 52.562879 -3.145515
SY15 6QB 0 52.562827 -3.147166
SY15 6QD 0 52.562897 -3.14826
SY15 6QE 0 52.563174 -3.148119
SY15 6QF 0 52.563544 -3.14804
SY15 6QG 0 52.563237 -3.14759
SY15 6QH 0 52.563668 -3.145772
SY15 6QJ 0 52.564444 -3.145157
SY15 6QL 0 52.564115 -3.145031
SY15 6QN 0 52.564731 -3.144575
SY15 6QP 1 52.564937 -3.142766
SY15 6QQ 0 52.563638 -3.146612
SY15 6QR 0 52.56504 -3.145822
SY15 6QS 0 52.56527 -3.146138
SY15 6QT 1 52.564799 -3.147764
SY15 6QU 0 52.565649 -3.14631
SY15 6QW 0 52.564879 -3.144181
SY15 6QX 0 52.565214 -3.149501
SY15 6QY 0 52.563928 -3.147682