all postcodes in SY6 / CHURCH STRETTON

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY6 6EA 8 6 52.535579 -2.804707
SY6 6BB 14 0 52.539 -2.806687
SY6 6BD 12 0 52.539088 -2.804315
SY6 6BH 35 12 52.53865 -2.805147
SY6 6BJ 10 0 52.537965 -2.805429
SY6 6BL 15 4 52.537286 -2.806169
SY6 6BN 16 10 52.538999 -2.805492
SY6 6BP 1 1 52.538834 -2.805976
SY6 6BQ 26 0 52.538176 -2.806215
SY6 6BS 1 1 52.538892 -2.807554
SY6 6BU 13 7 52.538738 -2.807699
SY6 6BW 32 16 52.538674 -2.806547
SY6 6BX 38 13 52.537947 -2.808142
SY6 6BY 26 5 52.536808 -2.808548
SY6 6BZ 18 0 52.537998 -2.807229
SY6 6DA 9 5 52.538465 -2.808195
SY6 6DB 3 0 52.537602 -2.808563
SY6 6DD 17 0 52.535108 -2.810478
SY6 6DE 12 0 52.542569 -2.805381
SY6 6DF 10 0 52.535688 -2.811049