all postcodes in SY6 / CHURCH STRETTON

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY6 6DG 2 0 52.536587 -2.809428
SY6 6DH 16 0 52.537201 -2.809381
SY6 6DJ 11 2 52.538472 -2.808431
SY6 6DL 11 5 52.538917 -2.808278
SY6 6DN 3 0 52.539273 -2.808756
SY6 6DP 32 1 52.541079 -2.811561
SY6 6DQ 22 2 52.537791 -2.809406
SY6 6DR 3 0 52.535039 -2.81142
SY6 6DS 29 0 52.541539 -2.810021
SY6 6DT 15 0 52.539059 -2.805847
SY6 6DU 1 1 52.539237 -2.807487
SY6 6DW 1 0 52.539659 -2.810134
SY6 6DX 84 0 52.535332 -2.80802
SY6 6DY 6 1 52.539068 -2.80716
SY6 6DZ 7 1 52.539435 -2.807476
SY6 6EB 5 0 52.538493 -2.80709
SY6 6EE 24 2 52.537583 -2.804803
SY6 6EF 41 0 52.536619 -2.806437
SY6 6EN 4 0 52.542601 -2.80199
SY6 6EL 48 0 52.542458 -2.800513