all postcodes in SY6 / CHURCH STRETTON

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY6 6EP 7 0 52.543007 -2.803059
SY6 6EQ 56 1 52.543758 -2.80757
SY6 6ER 17 0 52.542922 -2.804989
SY6 6ES 14 0 52.541819 -2.804586
SY6 6ET 12 0 52.541971 -2.806063
SY6 6EU 10 0 52.543083 -2.806363
SY6 6EW 29 0 52.54238 -2.806719
SY6 6EX 25 4 52.545083 -2.80584
SY6 6EY 6 0 52.546816 -2.804795
SY6 6EZ 9 0 52.546376 -2.805967
SY6 6HA 4 0 52.54721 -2.805038
SY6 6HB 3 0 52.54463 -2.798281
SY6 6HD 1 1 52.547366 -2.804495
SY6 6HE 13 0 52.5508 -2.801859
SY6 6HF 7 0 52.553222 -2.798673
SY6 6HG 14 2 52.553807 -2.797342
SY6 6HH 16 0 52.555429 -2.796767
SY6 6HJ 2 0 52.557135 -2.795721
SY6 6HL 18 0 52.552889 -2.797399
SY6 6HS 5 0 52.552584 -2.798677