all postcodes in SY7 / CHURCH STRETTON

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY7 8DG 3 52.463789 -2.837619
SY7 8DH 0 52.467494 -2.839454
SY7 8DJ 0 52.475129 -2.832063
SY7 8DL 0 52.474954 -2.82692
SY7 8DN 0 52.477537 -2.836025
SY7 8DP 0 52.454821 -2.840789
SY7 8DQ 2 52.466218 -2.837312
SY7 8DR 1 52.458536 -2.853046
SY7 8DS 0 52.459 -2.855482
SY7 8DT 0 52.459183 -2.856812
SY7 8DU 0 52.447989 -2.842733
SY7 8DW 0 52.483622 -2.832444
SY7 8DX 1 52.443798 -2.845891
SY7 8DY 0 52.462989 -2.972249
SY7 8EA 0 52.467784 -2.95459
SY7 8EB 0 52.468971 -2.959032
SY7 8ED 0 52.435767 -2.86864
SY7 8EF 0 52.432386 -2.878
SY7 8EG 0 52.429455 -2.889342
SY7 8EH 0 52.428326 -2.891128