all postcodes in SY7 / CHURCH STRETTON

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY7 8HP 0 52.478384 -2.873131
SY7 8HQ 0 52.458375 -2.88795
SY7 8HR 1 52.483913 -2.864582
SY7 8HS 0 52.485869 -2.855136
SY7 8HT 0 52.468715 -2.868759
SY7 8HW 0 52.472632 -2.889741
SY7 8HZ 1 52.421749 -3.023931
SY7 8JA 6 52.421296 -3.030007
SY7 8JB 7 52.421511 -3.027513
SY7 8JF 0 52.42073 -3.026304
SY7 8JD 0 52.420747 -3.027451
SY7 8JE 1 52.421305 -3.024317
SY7 8JG 0 52.418926 -3.02854
SY7 8JH 0 52.418746 -3.031169
SY7 8JJ 0 52.419144 -3.033957
SY7 8JL 0 52.418048 -3.033858
SY7 8JN 0 52.417904 -3.030841
SY7 8JP 0 52.420878 -3.029939
SY7 8JQ 1 52.419255 -3.031504
SY7 8JR 0 52.4208 -3.030673