all postcodes in SY7 / CHURCH STRETTON

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY7 8EJ 0 52.418143 -2.897848
SY7 8EL 0 52.433996 -2.893491
SY7 8EN 0 52.431098 -2.89314
SY7 8EP 0 52.429472 -2.907109
SY7 8ER 1 52.430606 -2.896381
SY7 8ES 0 52.430551 -2.894833
SY7 8ET 1 52.431291 -2.896174
SY7 8EW 2 52.429697 -2.894816
SY7 8EX 0 52.43972 -2.896269
SY7 8EY 0 52.442402 -2.889924
SY7 8EZ 0 52.42878 -2.894841
SY7 8HA 0 52.44452 -2.898662
SY7 8HB 0 52.447411 -2.899236
SY7 8HD 0 52.444996 -2.898027
SY7 8HE 0 52.453949 -2.901755
SY7 8HF 0 52.453194 -2.893426
SY7 8HG 0 52.451023 -2.890439
SY7 8HH 0 52.46223 -2.882511
SY7 8HJ 0 52.462615 -2.899445
SY7 8HN 0 52.466629 -2.904855