all postcodes in SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District

SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 2DZ 24 2 52.715648 -2.753583
SY1 2EA 8 0 52.716064 -2.753666
SY1 2EB 1 1 52.716731 -2.749207
SY1 2ED 3 0 52.715424 -2.753951
SY1 2EE 6 4 52.71313 -2.750048
SY1 2EG 12 6 52.71414 -2.750954
SY1 2EH 27 4 52.714194 -2.749474
SY1 2EJ 12 4 52.713845 -2.749202
SY1 2EL 1 1 52.714152 -2.749089
SY1 2EN 5 5 52.715518 -2.749924
SY1 2ES 6 6 52.715551 -2.74821
SY1 2EU 18 1 52.715329 -2.747643
SY1 2EY 32 0 52.716243 -2.746815
SY1 2EZ 8 1 52.717353 -2.746124
SY1 2HA 48 1 52.718287 -2.744822
SY1 2HB 4 0 52.716884 -2.746293
SY1 2HE 18 1 52.717501 -2.745327
SY1 2HH 25 0 52.718906 -2.74498
SY1 2HJ 1 1 52.716889 -2.746945
SY1 2HL 92 0 52.715882 -2.74558