all postcodes in SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District

SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 2BA 43 0 52.709038 -2.750274
SY1 2BB 12 5 52.709758 -2.751515
SY1 2BD 3 2 52.709204 -2.752453
SY1 2BG 9 0 52.709865 -2.751754
SY1 2BJ 1 1 52.710092 -2.750793
SY1 2BQ 33 7 52.709587 -2.751066
SY1 2BU 1 1 52.709009 -2.75199
SY1 2BW 19 7 52.709253 -2.751713
SY1 2BX 11 3 52.709385 -2.750857
SY1 2BY 5 5 52.709051 -2.751103
SY1 2DA 17 0 52.717802 -2.754183
SY1 2DE 1 1 52.715864 -2.748363
SY1 2DJ 30 6 52.711873 -2.750572
SY1 2DP 40 9 52.714876 -2.752476
SY1 2DQ 1 1 52.711779 -2.749786
SY1 2DS 11 0 52.713623 -2.751626
SY1 2DT 5 0 52.715592 -2.753051
SY1 2DU 3 0 52.715505 -2.752532
SY1 2DX 10 1 52.715872 -2.75276
SY1 2DY 7 0 52.716402 -2.752828