all postcodes in SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District

SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 1UB 26 0 52.705923 -2.752322
SY1 1UE 8 0 52.705615 -2.752731
SY1 1UG 3 2 52.707864 -2.751939
SY1 1UH 17 2 52.707463 -2.751875
SY1 1UJ 4 4 52.707903 -2.752828
SY1 1UL 1 1 52.707956 -2.75215
SY1 1UN 1 1 52.708909 -2.752152
SY1 1UQ 1 1 52.708139 -2.752536
SY1 1UR 19 10 52.707583 -2.752795
SY1 1UT 36 28 52.70675 -2.751757
SY1 1UW 21 13 52.708176 -2.752968
SY1 1UX 36 20 52.706212 -2.750714
SY1 1UY 1 1 52.706387 -2.751487
SY1 1WQ 1 1 52.713145 -2.749116
SY1 1XA 9 2 52.706109 -2.751423
SY1 1XB 48 20 52.706409 -2.750301
SY1 1XD 1 1 52.706297 -2.750035
SY1 1XE 1 1 52.706742 -2.749347
SY1 1XF 22 7 52.706341 -2.748822
SY1 1XG 1 0 52.713145 -2.749116