all postcodes in TD6 / EARLSTON

find any address or company within the TD6 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD6 9LF 0 55.59731 -2.722726
TD6 9LG 2 55.599027 -2.719382
TD6 9LH 0 55.599346 -2.717055
TD6 9LJ 2 55.60051 -2.722499
TD6 9LN 1 55.600186 -2.720926
TD6 9LL 0 55.600113 -2.72127
TD6 9LP 0 55.60216 -2.722942
TD6 9LQ 0 55.599397 -2.716099
TD6 9LR 0 55.599183 -2.720459
TD6 9LS 0 55.599626 -2.698201
TD6 9LT 0 55.607246 -2.715242
TD6 9LU 0 55.60967 -2.721763
TD6 9LW 2 55.600772 -2.719001
TD6 9LX 0 55.610505 -2.731081
TD6 9LY 0 55.610116 -2.737518
TD6 9LZ 1 55.605661 -2.725149
TD6 9NA 0 55.605786 -2.729786
TD6 9NB 0 55.60638 -2.727992
TD6 9NW 0 55.60642 -2.73502
TD6 9ND 0 55.6064 -2.729242