all postcodes in TD6 / EARLSTON

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD6 9PR 6 55.596711 -2.72062
TD6 9PS 1 55.596994 -2.719816
TD6 9PT 2 55.596987 -2.719313
TD6 9PU 0 55.596853 -2.719199
TD6 9PW 2 55.596797 -2.719658
TD6 9PX 5 55.597967 -2.719299
TD6 9PY 0 55.59813 -2.719032
TD6 9PZ 3 55.59795 -2.719108
TD6 9QE 0 55.585326 -2.734229
TD6 9QF 0 55.591409 -2.726854
TD6 9QG 4 0 55.593246 -2.724619
TD6 9QH 3 0 55.591019 -2.727418
TD6 9QJ 17 0 55.59234 -2.725792
TD6 9QL 46 0 55.592966 -2.726359
TD6 9QN 11 0 55.591786 -2.725385
TD6 9QP 13 0 55.5942 -2.722764
TD6 9QQ 12 0 55.591378 -2.72752
TD6 9QR 4 0 55.593709 -2.723786
TD6 9QS 19 2 55.595637 -2.719902
TD6 9QT 28 0 55.594806 -2.7236