all postcodes in TD6 / EARLSTON

find any address or company within the TD6 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD6 9RW 7 0 55.599441 -2.69604
TD6 9RX 4 1 55.597768 -2.722671
TD6 9RY 6 5 55.598948 -2.725184
TD6 9RZ 8 1 55.599097 -2.725715
TD6 9SA 6 1 55.59933 -2.725921
TD6 9SB 11 1 55.598505 -2.727191
TD6 9SD 8 0 55.598087 -2.728057
TD6 9SE 1 0 55.599971 -2.726981
TD6 9SF 20 0 55.600401 -2.727274
TD6 9SG 10 0 55.600655 -2.728295
TD6 9SH 11 0 55.600129 -2.732125
TD6 9SL 7 2 55.601367 -2.732402
TD6 9SN 10 0 55.598667 -2.72875
TD6 9SP 26 0 55.597949 -2.733037
TD6 9SQ 27 1 55.599205 -2.728918
TD6 9SR 18 0 55.597463 -2.730251
TD6 9SS 15 0 55.598609 -2.732446
TD6 9ST 15 0 55.600659 -2.730675
TD6 9SU 16 0 55.599073 -2.734502
TD6 9SW 8 0 55.59765 -2.734904