all postcodes in TD7 / SELKIRK

find any address or company within the TD7 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD7 4BA 5 3 55.543668 -2.832818
TD7 4BB 31 0 55.544965 -2.833559
TD7 4BD 21 0 55.546047 -2.834422
TD7 4BE 26 0 55.545793 -2.836128
TD7 4BF 2 0 55.550109 -2.834368
TD7 4BG 38 0 55.545368 -2.835104
TD7 4BH 10 0 55.544042 -2.83319
TD7 4BJ 3 0 55.546544 -2.841802
TD7 4BL 27 12 55.546826 -2.841412
TD7 4BP 1 1 55.546845 -2.841158
TD7 4BQ 6 0 55.544382 -2.834735
TD7 4BT 21 10 55.547216 -2.842104
TD7 4BX 1 1 55.547153 -2.842148
TD7 4BY 4 2 55.54738 -2.841854
TD7 4BZ 37 12 55.548017 -2.840584
TD7 4DA 1 1 55.546845 -2.841158
TD7 4DB 1 0 55.548236 -2.840205
TD7 4DD 27 10 55.547967 -2.840076
TD7 4DE 22 0 55.54708 -2.843604
TD7 4DF 1 1 55.547523 -2.84065