all postcodes in TD7 / SELKIRK

find any address or company within the TD7 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD7 4EG 27 0 55.551205 -2.831694
TD7 4EH 13 0 55.550582 -2.832219
TD7 4EJ 18 0 55.550847 -2.832891
TD7 4EL 32 0 55.550333 -2.833117
TD7 4EN 28 0 55.549966 -2.832872
TD7 4EP 25 3 55.548237 -2.830857
TD7 4EQ 20 0 55.551254 -2.83244
TD7 4ER 10 0 55.549739 -2.834547
TD7 4ES 17 0 55.549582 -2.836509
TD7 4ET 34 0 55.548946 -2.836258
TD7 4EU 19 0 55.550255 -2.835256
TD7 4EW 1 1 55.549106 -2.8339
TD7 4EX 33 0 55.551402 -2.83043
TD7 4EY 18 0 55.551417 -2.836184
TD7 4EZ 4 0 55.551957 -2.840063
TD7 4HA 18 0 55.548813 -2.837333
TD7 4HE 10 0 55.552336 -2.834571
TD7 4HF 23 1 55.553374 -2.836511
TD7 4HG 31 0 55.553202 -2.835366
TD7 4HH 6 0 55.553073 -2.833255