all postcodes in TD7 / SELKIRK

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD7 4DG 42 13 55.546572 -2.842975
TD7 4DH 14 0 55.547147 -2.844382
TD7 4DJ 5 0 55.544189 -2.836791
TD7 4DL 12 0 55.543066 -2.835357
TD7 4DN 20 1 55.546393 -2.833779
TD7 4DP 9 0 55.550097 -2.837459
TD7 4DQ 9 2 55.546874 -2.843552
TD7 4DR 7 4 55.550501 -2.83612
TD7 4DS 7 0 55.551267 -2.834564
TD7 4DT 28 0 55.552071 -2.837815
TD7 4DU 18 0 55.551436 -2.837389
TD7 4DW 6 0 55.54196 -2.835555
TD7 4DX 14 0 55.551551 -2.839024
TD7 4DY 14 0 55.55099 -2.838156
TD7 4DZ 16 0 55.55253 -2.839013
TD7 4EA 19 0 55.553269 -2.837396
TD7 4EB 23 0 55.552502 -2.836571
TD7 4ED 1 0 55.553417 -2.832897
TD7 4EE 9 1 55.552521 -2.832485
TD7 4EF 4 0 55.552587 -2.833308