all postcodes in TD9 / NEWCASTLETON

find any address or company within the TD9 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD9 0EY 46 0 55.418235 -2.788155
TD9 0EZ 49 0 55.417291 -2.788251
TD9 0HA 4 0 55.41629 -2.790206
TD9 0HE 28 7 55.421696 -2.789413
TD9 0HF 6 2 55.421326 -2.789543
TD9 0HH 22 4 55.420986 -2.790706
TD9 0HJ 1 1 55.420986 -2.790706
TD9 0HL 1 1 55.421111 -2.792241
TD9 0HP 5 0 55.420874 -2.792726
TD9 0HQ 9 2 55.421743 -2.790263
TD9 0HR 1 0 55.42088 -2.7932
TD9 0HS 28 1 55.420157 -2.792526
TD9 0HT 35 0 55.419919 -2.791664
TD9 0HU 17 1 55.420332 -2.791767
TD9 0HW 31 4 55.421452 -2.790841
TD9 0HX 45 1 55.419185 -2.792613
TD9 0HY 30 0 55.419254 -2.793025
TD9 0HZ 14 0 55.419605 -2.792985
TD9 0JA 29 0 55.419785 -2.792909
TD9 0JB 1 1 55.420154 -2.794307