all postcodes in TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District

TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 2UH 5 5 55.612474 -2.76906
TD1 2SJ 26 0 55.690711 -2.867187
TD1 2AG 1 1 55.614658 -2.801268
TD1 2NN 0 55.612294 -2.763293
TD1 2NW 0 55.612934 -2.764385
TD1 2QG 0 55.611897 -2.763651
TD1 2QH 0 55.612439 -2.760173
TD1 2QJ 0 55.612763 -2.761556
TD1 2QQ 0 55.613308 -2.762122
TD1 2DU 1 1 55.615535 -2.800413
TD1 2QZ 4 0 55.613792 -2.762231
TD1 2RR 23 0 55.614113 -2.761189
TD1 2RT 11 0 55.613623 -2.760434
TD1 2RU 35 0 55.613174 -2.760457
TD1 2JT 1 1 55.622698 -2.806914
TD1 3AA 14 8 55.615244 -2.806408
TD1 3AD 11 6 55.61486 -2.805987
TD1 3AE 2 1 55.61513 -2.805854
TD1 3AF 16 16 55.615647 -2.805273
TD1 3AN 10 3 55.616111 -2.80562