all postcodes in TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District

TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 2SP 6 0 55.666077 -2.881932
TD1 2SQ 4 2 55.691614 -2.865454
TD1 2SR 8 0 55.68322 -2.88701
TD1 2SS 10 0 55.691035 -2.868543
TD1 2ST 6 0 55.705641 -2.892976
TD1 2SU 15 0 55.724687 -2.895894
TD1 2SW 4 0 55.664984 -2.871447
TD1 2SX 5 1 55.732403 -2.907314
TD1 2SY 12 2 55.733696 -2.908649
TD1 2SZ 1 0 55.735687 -2.905447
TD1 2TA 28 0 55.733177 -2.910692
TD1 2TD 1 0 55.742193 -2.913833
TD1 2TE 6 0 55.74264 -2.922636
TD1 2TH 10 0 55.733471 -2.926735
TD1 2TJ 1 0 55.749703 -2.904449
TD1 2UA 1 1 55.615928 -2.803453
TD1 2UB 26 0 55.612535 -2.796097
TD1 2UD 30 0 55.61295 -2.797201
TD1 2UE 39 0 55.611453 -2.791027
TD1 2UF 4 1 55.61418 -2.798797