all postcodes in TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District

TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 2PY 6 0 55.67637 -2.779043
TD1 2PZ 2 0 55.663619 -2.774645
TD1 2QA 3 0 55.669723 -2.803713
TD1 2QB 3 0 55.685288 -2.810155
TD1 2QD 6 0 55.659988 -2.806791
TD1 2QF 15 0 55.684273 -2.720751
TD1 2QL 6 0 55.692432 -2.852539
TD1 2QN 16 1 55.692017 -2.860547
TD1 2QP 9 0 55.691398 -2.857766
TD1 2QR 10 0 55.690842 -2.857674
TD1 2QS 3 0 55.691533 -2.860441
TD1 2QT 20 0 55.69055 -2.858383
TD1 2QU 2 0 55.691043 -2.860816
TD1 2QW 12 0 55.693041 -2.859361
TD1 2QX 2 0 55.691158 -2.862313
TD1 2QY 5 0 55.697535 -2.871917
TD1 2RA 21 2 55.695565 -2.864571
TD1 2RB 3 0 55.694981 -2.865783
TD1 2RD 9 0 55.694349 -2.863701
TD1 2RE 31 2 55.694348 -2.862352